Hair Removal Centre
Ideal Matunda Ltd

  • Advanced ElectrolysisLaser Hair Removal
  • Alkaline Wash
  • Transgender Hair Removal
  • Asian Hair Removal

IDEAL Snow Peas

IDEAL Snow peas are grown on the cool lush green slopes of Mt. Kenya under Stringent Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in environmentally sustainable conditions.

Product features

Snow Peas are also known as Mange touts or Chinese pea pods. Snow Peas are edible podded peas with the best features of being tender and crispy and also sweet and meaty. The plant grows very well in cool climates.

Health Benefits:

Snow peas:-
  • Provide vitamins A and C, iron and potassium.
  • They are low in sodium.
  • Provide good amount of 8 vitamins, 7 minerals, dietary fiber and protein.
  • Supply nutrients that are important for maintaining bone health. They are a very good source of vitamin K1, which activates osteocalcin, the major non-collagen protein in bone.
  • Serve as a very good source of folic acid and a good source of vitamin B6.
Inspired to delight

Product Presentation

  • Punnetes of 150gms, 250gms and 500gms
  • Boxes of 1.5kgs and 2.0kgs